JG PolarClean Barbed Cooler Spigot

JG PolarClean Barbed Cooler Spigot
Disclaimer: All images are for illustrative purposes only.

You will also need:

collet locking clip

Locking Clip

Locking Clip to prevent accidental pipework disconnection.

Safely and quickly converts a push-fit connection to a barbed spigot connection

JG PolarClean barbed cooler push-fit spigot is designed for converting a push-fit connection to a barbed spigot connection.

Features and benefits

  • Spiggot connector with integral locking clip
  • Suitable for use with JG PolarClean fittings only
SKUDescriptionTube OD mm
NC2742JG PolarClean Barbed Cooler Spigot 18mm18