JG Underfloor heating systems
Energy-efficient underfloor heating systems that are easy to install using push-fit connections.
Discover our range
JG Underfloor offer a wide range of energy-efficient push-fit underfloor heating systems that are fast and easy to install. From pipe fixing systems to push-fit manifolds, ultra-flexible pipe and smart heating controls, we have everything you need for any type of project or floor construction.

Pipe Fixing Systems
A wide range of easy to fit underfloor pipe fixing systems for screed, timber or existing floors.

Manifolds & Control Packs
A variety of high-quality manifolds and control packs featuring push-fit connections.

Heating Controls
Discover the full range of energy-efficient JG Underfloor heating controls that are simple to install. Find out how to heat your home the smart way here.

Single Room Packs
Handy and cost-effective single room packs for underfloor heating.

Our ultra-flexible plastic pipe makes laying underfloor heating pipe circuits fast and simple.

Service Kits & Spares
A range of service kits and spare products for our JG Underfloor range.

A wide range of underfloor heating accessories.
Unrivalled technical support
With the largest network of technical sales engineers in the UK, our experts are on hand to provide you all the support you need – before, during and after installation of your underfloor heating system.

We always install JG Underfloor systems because of the quality of products, ease of installation and the support we receive throughout.